Simple Solar Funding

Say goodbye to high, unpredictable electricity bills and enjoy the convenience of solar power.

Power Your Future With Solar Energy

Welcome to Solar Power Systems SA, where we believe in harnessing the power of the sun to fuel your future. Based in South Africa, our mission is to make solar energy accessible and affordable for everyone. Whether you’re a homeowner or a business, our tailored solar financing solutions and tax incentive options are designed to meet your unique energy needs and financial circumstances. Embrace a sustainable future with solar funding today!

Our Solar Funding Solutions

Solar Funding for Residential Property

We understand that the initial investment in solar technology can be a significant hurdle. That’s why we offer comprehensive financing options for homeowners. Our easy-to-understand plans help you switch to solar with minimal upfront costs, making your dream of a solar-powered home a reality. Experience the benefits of clean energy while managing your expenses effectively.

Solar Funding for Businesses

Solar energy is not just for homes. Businesses stand to gain significantly by going green. Our solar financing for businesses is designed to reduce operational costs while promoting corporate responsibility. With flexible payment options and expert support, we ensure that your transition to solar energy is seamless, cost-effective, and rewarding.

Solar Investments

Investing in solar energy is not only good for the environment, it’s also financially savvy. Under Section 12B, South African taxpayers who invest in solar projects can benefit from solar investment tax credits. This incentive is designed to reduce the overall solar system installation cost, making it an attractive investment opportunity. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How does solar financing work?

Our solar financing options are designed to make the transition to solar energy easy and affordable. We offer a variety of plans with different payment structures to suit your financial situation.

Can I really save money with solar energy?

Absolutely! Solar energy can significantly reduce your electricity bills. Plus, with our financing options and tax credits, the initial investment becomes more manageable.

Is solar energy reliable?

Yes, solar energy is a reliable and sustainable power source. Advances in solar technology have made it more efficient and dependable than ever before.

How does solar financing work?

Our solar financing options are designed to make the transition to solar energy easy and affordable. We offer a variety of plans with different payment structures to suit your financial situation.

Will installing solar panels increase the value of my property?

Yes, installing solar panels can increase your property’s value. Homes and commercial buildings with solar systems often have higher market values and can be more attractive to buyers or renters who value sustainability and are conscious of their energy costs.

How long does it take to install a solar panel system, and what is the process?

The installation time can vary depending on the size and complexity of the system. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. The process involves an initial consultation, site assessment, system design, obtaining necessary permits, the actual installation, and finally, system commissioning and testing. Our team ensures a smooth and efficient process from start to finish.